The objective

Our goal is to: “awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”
(Albert Einstein)

Hurna is building a place where people can learn, teach and communicate visually about science.

The purpose of H.urna is to deliver science insights to everyone. Anywhere there is code, equations or symbols that need understanding.

The main idea is that everyone can learn anything and that everything may be learned. The added value of the visualization is that it leverages the human visual system to better understand complex abstract concepts.

H.urna is a free online open platform to allow to learn at its own pace at anytime from anywhere.

The philosophy

Only kindness comes from love
Get together, Get involved, Open sciences

Science allows us to understand the world we live in and this understanding will help to face the big challenges of tomorrow.

For this reason we believe that science - and education in general - should be accessible to everyone by nature. Therefore, we need to share knowledge as much as possible and provide freely appropriate learning tools.

H.urna provides an open platform to delivers science insights to everyone in a fun, creative and interactive way. We want to offer social changes with free accessible knowledge.



Hybesis is a word and pseudonym created by Michael Jeulin-Lagarrigue. It is formed by the contraction of Hybris and Nemesis coming from Greek mythology.

Hybris is a deity personifying the hybris or hubris. Hubris describes a quality of extreme ego. It typically describes behavior that defies the norms of behavior or challenges the gods. In some traditions the hubris is often associated with Lucifer: the light-bearing.

Nemesis is the goddess who enacted retribution against those who succumb to hubris. Often associated with "equilibrium", it means: "to give what is due", "distribute". In Roman tradition Nemesis means "outrage at an unfair advantage" and is interpreted as a messenger of death sent by the gods as punishment.


In Buddhist culture Urna symbolizes the third eye also called the mind's eye. Referring to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness, it provides perception beyond ordinary sight: a state of enlightenment.

One way to think of it is as a “meta” organ that consists of your mind and all of your senses are working together as a more meaningful, more powerful sensory organ. Seers use their third eye to understand hidden connections and answer questions.